
Training, Mentorships, and Internships

At DSG, we help our team members grow to become the best version of themselves. Our cultivation of your abilities can utilize multiple tools.

Digital Curriculum

  • Online reading & reference
  • Online video lessons
  • Online quizzes

Live Video Sessions

  • Group Zoom lessons and discussions
  • One-on-One instruction

In-Person Training

  • Group classes
  • Individual tutorials

Mentoring and Internships

After you finish your informational training, your real-world tutoring begins with our mentoring program at DSG. This practical workplace orientation is available for new team members as well as students selected for internships.

As a new hire, we will pair you with a seasoned mentor who will share their knowledge, expertise, and wisdom. Your mentor will help you explore the pros and cons of working on particular projects or pursuing a new opportunity. They keep a watchful eye to spot roles and projects that offer you development, visibility, and good “press” within the company.

A mentor can help you identify potential allies and resources. They stay alert for shifting circumstances, rumors, false perceptions, “red tape” complications, or organizational changes that may impact you.

Mentors serve as confidants, sounding boards, and personal advisors. They listen and help you think through key challenges, gain new perspectives, and consider all options.

You will have opportunities to shadow your mentor on projects and join them in meetings. They will in turn, shadow you in your first ventures into new tasks.

No other workplace resource could be as valuable as a mentor.

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